Saturday, December 06, 2008

Hey hey hey!! It has been a very very very very long time since i updated my blog.. Well its about time i updated the blog...

Right now slacking at home n also going out with frenz..results will be coming out in about 2 weeks a bit nervous hope I will be able to move on to sec 5 next year..

4 yrs have passed in the blink of an eye..everything is moving so fast right now..I wish everything could just slow down a bit..sigh...Hope I will still keep in contact with my frenz even though we are not studying together or even after we move on to different schools..

Today went to catch a movie with my girl n the movie was quite nice..It was full of suspense and everything was linked together..If I'm not wrong the show is "beast stalker"..Its a Chinese show..quite nice ^^
After that went to pasir ris central there to walk walk cuz there got night bazaar but got nothing much to see one..After buying something to eat I made my way home on foot..It was quite far but it wasn't very tiring though..hhaa I really lyk walking because can exercise!!wuahaha! ^^

Alright I'm Done for today shall update again next time hha..dun worry my next post wun take a few yrs later lol..

10:41 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, September 29, 2007

hey hey everybody..very long time since i last updated de blog is exam period alr..everybody muz jiayou n work hard fer de exams ah!!^^ after exams den can hv fun alr..take kare all n wil update soon =)

11:00 AM;
I made my mark

Monday, June 04, 2007

hey hey!finally back from camp le!!long time nvr post liao so now post post camp was kinda tiring la cuz gotta wake up at 5 every morning..den weather very cold some more so shiver alot lor..but afternoon lyk tt de sun hot until can de camp there got odd many lectures N talks abt de army n wad is being done in de life is much better in army alr..we even had pudding fer dessert during lunch hhaa!so yea overall de camp is quite fun..n our officers were quite nice to us too..even de commandos there r very relaxed..stil can joke with us..evern though they look damn serious n they r very well built..all damn muscular one..we saw all kinds of ppl there la..interesting lo..we even got a tour of de camp we were staying in ^^ so tt's all i've got now..wil update next time =)

2:57 PM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

yo back to blog again man!waa actually today intend to go study but in de end study not long only~!den we go play arcade n watch SPIDERMAN 3!!waa tt movie is nice man!very exciting n de graphics r very nice..but sadly only 3 ppl went to melvin n dawson..N wads worse we were all sitting in differet seats n it was really boring sitting show abt 2hr plus n sitting alone damn sian...aiya today very short post only's wad we all did fer today lor..tmr got school alr..den fri exams..haixx...hv to study liao...k post til here bye..

8:01 PM;
I made my mark

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wo0oo!today went to play bbal with de guys!damn fun man!we played de whole court n it was our first time play full court!VERY SHIOK SIA!!during our second half of de match we switched teams n kah hui,jun ann,dawson n another guy was one group where jereld,me n 2 other guys played together..hha at de start of de match we did not hv much chemistry between each other so we lost a few points but at last we managed to catch up n b4 our last point we all went crazy n started dashing towards each others n jun ann went crazy both of us were snatching ball n i won de fight wuahahax!however we took off our shirts de last minute as we were sweating alot n our shirt was getting really heavy with all de sweat..we all went crazy after tt!!Finally,,when our match ended,,our match point were 11 for kah hui's team n 10 for my team..i was suprised tt my team was able to catch up so much as kah hui's team had dawson n jun ann n they were quite good while my team had only jereld hha he was kinda funny when he played..overall i was satisfied tt my team got to catch up so much!!hha look forward to playing the full court next time!end here ^o^

9:52 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, March 26, 2007 in class so damn bored man..N annoying no choice i gotta move place..luckily teacher let me move haax..Anyway after school went home to take some things den go back school again to meet alexandra as she was planning to celebrate yiling's birthday!!wuahahax!she lyk blur blur lyk funny!den went to take de cake with alex..N its chocolate cake!!my favourite!!!hee hee...Den alex sing de birthday song so loud i was laughing cuz she so daring..there was quite alot of ppl hha..den took some pictures fer her n they looked funny ahaha!after cutting N eating de cake..Went to play BBall with kah hui n de other guys..didnt hv tt much fun today cuz those malay guys were dominating de basketball court by playing SOCCER!!We were so pissed..cuz it was meant fer only play alr oso no went home lor....zzz tt's all 4 today..^_^

10:09 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, March 19, 2007

Today woke up at abt 7am!!^_^ den prepare after tt my aunt,little cousin N my dad folowed me to toa payoh HDB hub there for CSS!!hha sooooo nervous man at tt time!even though there was little ppl at first but abt 10am lyk tt start to hv ppl coming to watch liao...hha i felt lyk backing out scary man!!!there r quite a few ppl who can sing N they sing well!! => not sure wad school they are from but they sing quite nice...abt 11plus or 12 it was almost my turn le...quickly run through de song i was abt to sing or else scared later 4get....haax there was realy alot of ppl there!!!when i went up to de stage i was kinda shivering but tried to calm myself down cuz cannnot mess up or else damn paiseh de...Den when i started singing,,my voice abit lyk shivering lyk i know sure no chance liao...but well it was a good experince fer me (''.) considering it was my first time singing infront of soo many ppl...but was kinda sad after i was rejected...hmm..i almost cried le..even though i knew wad was gonna happen next...haax anyway it was quite a tiring day today...Zzzz going to sleep liao...k end my post here...byebye

12:38 AM;
I made my mark



I am in St'Stephens Primary siglap secondary; 3rd MARCH '92, Pieces, NCC.


basketball `
loads of stuffs







  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • November 2006
  • January 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • September 2007
  • December 2008


    Design (Brushing, Layout, Coding)
    Images (From Google & Yahoo)
    This and That
    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy