Monday, March 26, 2007 in class so damn bored man..N annoying no choice i gotta move place..luckily teacher let me move haax..Anyway after school went home to take some things den go back school again to meet alexandra as she was planning to celebrate yiling's birthday!!wuahahax!she lyk blur blur lyk funny!den went to take de cake with alex..N its chocolate cake!!my favourite!!!hee hee...Den alex sing de birthday song so loud i was laughing cuz she so daring..there was quite alot of ppl hha..den took some pictures fer her n they looked funny ahaha!after cutting N eating de cake..Went to play BBall with kah hui n de other guys..didnt hv tt much fun today cuz those malay guys were dominating de basketball court by playing SOCCER!!We were so pissed..cuz it was meant fer only play alr oso no went home lor....zzz tt's all 4 today..^_^

10:09 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, March 19, 2007

Today woke up at abt 7am!!^_^ den prepare after tt my aunt,little cousin N my dad folowed me to toa payoh HDB hub there for CSS!!hha sooooo nervous man at tt time!even though there was little ppl at first but abt 10am lyk tt start to hv ppl coming to watch liao...hha i felt lyk backing out scary man!!!there r quite a few ppl who can sing N they sing well!! => not sure wad school they are from but they sing quite nice...abt 11plus or 12 it was almost my turn le...quickly run through de song i was abt to sing or else scared later 4get....haax there was realy alot of ppl there!!!when i went up to de stage i was kinda shivering but tried to calm myself down cuz cannnot mess up or else damn paiseh de...Den when i started singing,,my voice abit lyk shivering lyk i know sure no chance liao...but well it was a good experince fer me (''.) considering it was my first time singing infront of soo many ppl...but was kinda sad after i was rejected...hmm..i almost cried le..even though i knew wad was gonna happen next...haax anyway it was quite a tiring day today...Zzzz going to sleep liao...k end my post here...byebye

12:38 AM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

hellloooo everbody!!^_^ Today went to do CME project with wenling,priscilia n yongliang..we went to the chinese temple to take some pictures n took us only minutes..hha doesn't sound lyk doing a project at all huh....well after tt we went to walk around a bugis den i went to de arcade!!sry tt u guys had to wait fer me..i know it took quite a long time n thx u guys fer waiting =) anyway after de going to de arcade we went to 77th street to see can help wenling pierce her naval anot(bellybutton there) de end cannot muz go to far east plaza there...the shop there got so many pictures which r kinda gross cuz de piercings r damn disgusting n yongliang see alr cannot tahan la hha..after wenling pierced,,she kept saying veri pain hha..but wad to do..wan pierce is lyk tt de lor..haax after tt we go shaw centre there see got any nice shows anot..but too bad dun hv we all decided to go back to tampines where we r more familiar with de place..went to arcade again..hha tis time yongliang oso joined me to play =) N de girls were chatting away...we den go toys'R'us there to play with de toys!!n took pictures with elmo hha priscilia has de they started playing with de toys there...hhaa so funny la..slack there awhile le jiu go first floor see de converse sale..quite cheap le de things there...too bad nvr bring enough money hha..after tt we go isetan play toys again!!waa..lyk kids man hahahaha..soo fun+silly lor ahahaha..den my aunt called me home fer dinner so i gotta go..N so we all went home.. overall had quite a fun day today^^..The End........

11:55 PM;
I made my mark

Sunday, March 11, 2007 go sentosa with my mum n ppl from her company..

hhaa was quite fun..den luckily got basketball court or else i bored liao..cuz i dunno how to play volleyball lor..

when we jus arrive,,we walk here n there lyk blur blur cuz dunno where de place den walk for abt 1hr den can find!!waa pekcek man..after tt we jus started playing with de frisbee den basketball..^_^ my mum play basketball not bad eh..but she getting older lil cousin oso went with us..den he was soo quiet different when he is at home..
well after everything went to hv dinner den headed home..Zzzz so tired..time fer bed..bye bye ^_^

look nice rite ^o^ both wearing sunglasses heehee

11:12 PM;
I made my mark



I am in St'Stephens Primary siglap secondary; 3rd MARCH '92, Pieces, NCC.


basketball `
loads of stuffs







  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • November 2006
  • January 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • September 2007
  • December 2008


    Design (Brushing, Layout, Coding)
    Images (From Google & Yahoo)
    This and That
    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy